
How Many Pyramids are in Egypt? and what are their names?

Posted On : 14/05/2024 Egypt Travel Blogger 50
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How Many Pyramids Are in Egypt?

Have you ever wondered about the secrets hidden within the sands of Egypt? Beneath the scorching sun and amidst the whispers of ancient pharaohs, lies an enigma that has fascinated historians, archaeologists, and adventurers for centuries: the pyramids of Egypt.


Picture this: a vast desert landscape stretching as far as the eye can see, with colossal structures rising majestically against the horizon. Each pyramid stands as a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of the ancient Egyptians, who built these monuments to honor their gods and immortalize their rulers.


As the sun dips below the horizon, casting long shadows over the ancient sands, one cannot help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sight before them. It is a reminder of the incredible feats accomplished by civilizations long gone, and a glimpse into a world shrouded in mystery and intrigue.


But amidst the awe-inspiring grandeur of the pyramids, one question continues to linger in the minds of curious travelers and history enthusiasts alike: How many pyramids are there in Egypt?


This seemingly simple question belies a complexity that is as intriguing as it is beguiling. While the Great Pyramid of Giza may be the most famous of its kind, it is by no means the only one. Egypt is home to a staggering array of pyramids, scattered across the landscape like ancient sentinels guarding the secrets of the past.

 The Great Pyramids of Giza

How many pyramids are there in Egypt, and what are their names?


But regardless of their size or significance, each pyramid serves as a window into the ancient world, offering tantalizing glimpses of a civilization that once ruled the Nile Valley with unparalleled splendor and sophistication.


So, how many pyramids in Egypt? The answer may surprise you. The number of Egyptian pyramids varies among different sources. According to Wikipedia, approximately 118 have been identified, while others suggest numbers as high as 138. Additionally, about 80 pyramids are believed to exist within the historical Kingdom of Kush, located north of Sudan. The primary purpose of these structures was to serve as tombs for the pharaohs of Egypt and their consorts during the Ancient Egypt dynasty Old and Middle Kingdom periods.

Here is a comprehensive list of the 60 notable pyramids along with their associated pharaohs:

1. Pyramid of Djoser (Step Pyramid) - Pharaoh Djoser

saqqara Pyramid
2. Bent Pyramid - Pharaoh Sneferu

Bent Pyramids
3. Red Pyramid - Pharaoh Sneferu

red pyramid
4. Pyramid of Khufu (Great Pyramid of Giza) - Pharaoh Khufu

khufu Pyramid
5. Pyramid of Khafre - Pharaoh Khafre
6. Pyramid of Menkaure - Pharaoh Menkaure
7. Pyramid of Userkaf - Pharaoh Userkaf
8. Pyramid of Sahure - Pharaoh Sahure
9. Pyramid of Neferirkare Kakai - Pharaoh Neferirkare Kakai
10. Pyramid of Niuserre - Pharaoh Niuserre
11. Pyramid of Teti - Pharaoh Teti
12. Pyramid of Pepi I - Pharaoh Pepi I
13. Pyramid of Pepi II - Pharaoh Pepi II
14. Pyramid of Merenre - Pharaoh Merenre
15. Pyramid of Unas - Pharaoh Unas
16. Pyramid of Djedefre - Pharaoh Djedefre
17. Pyramid of Khendjer - Pharaoh Khendjer
18. Pyramid of Amenemhat I - Pharaoh Amenemhat I
19. Pyramid of Senusret I - Pharaoh Senusret I
20. Pyramid of Amenemhat II - Pharaoh Amenemhat II
21. Pyramid of Senusret III - Pharaoh Senusret III
22. Pyramid of Amenemhat III - Pharaoh Amenemhat III
23. Pyramid of Ahmose I - Pharaoh Ahmose I
24. Pyramid of Amenemhat IV - Pharaoh Amenemhat IV
25. Pyramid of Sobekneferu - Pharaoh Sobekneferu
26. Pyramid of Djedkare Isesi - Pharaoh Djedkare Isesi
27. Pyramid of Menkauhor - Pharaoh Menkauhor
28. Pyramid of Unas-Ankh - Pharaoh Unas-Ankh
29. Pyramid of Neferirkare II - Pharaoh Neferirkare II
30. Pyramid of Khentkaus I - Queen Khentkaus I
31. Pyramid of Khentkaus II - Queen Khentkaus II
32. Pyramid of Khui - Pharaoh Khui
33. Pyramid of Djedkare Shemai - Pharaoh Djedkare Shemai
34. Pyramid of Iput I - Queen Iput I
35. Pyramid of Iput II - Queen Iput II
36. Pyramid of Khuit I - Queen Khuit I
37. Pyramid of Khuit II - Queen Khuit II
38. Pyramid of Nubwoserre - Pharaoh Nubwoserre
39. Pyramid of Nyuserre Ini - Pharaoh Nyuserre Ini
40. Pyramid of Menkauhor Kaiu - Pharaoh Menkauhor Kaiu
41. Pyramid of Khaneferre Sobekhotep - Pharaoh Khaneferre Sobekhotep
42. Pyramid of Sobekhotep III - Pharaoh Sobekhotep III
43. Pyramid of Neferhotep I - Pharaoh Neferhotep I
44. Pyramid of Sihathor - Queen Sihathor
45. Pyramid of Senusret II - Pharaoh Senusret II
46. Pyramid of Amenemhat III - Pharaoh Amenemhat III
47. Pyramid of Sobekemsaf I - Pharaoh Sobekemsaf I
48. Pyramid of Khufu II - Pharaoh Khufu II
49. Pyramid of Shepseskaf - Pharaoh Shepseskaf
50. Pyramid of Nefermaat I - Prince Nefermaat I
51. Pyramid of Merenre Nemtyemsaf II - Pharaoh Merenre Nemtyemsaf II
52. Pyramid of Neferkamin - Pharaoh Neferkamin
53. Pyramid of Ibi - Pharaoh Ibi
54. Pyramid of Intef - Pharaoh Intef
55. Pyramid of Khaba - Pharaoh Khaba
56. Pyramid of Shepseskare - Pharaoh Shepseskare
57. Pyramid of Tausert - Queen Tausert
58. Pyramid of Ameny Qemau - Pharaoh Ameny Qemau
59. Pyramid of Amenemhat V - Pharaoh Amenemhat V
60. Pyramid of Ameny Intef Amenemhat VI - Pharaoh Amenemhat VI
And many more....


These monumental structures continue to intrigue and fascinate historians, archaeologists, and visitors from around the world, offering glimpses into ancient Egyptian civilization and the legacy of its rulers.


The History And The Purpose of Pyramids in Ancient Egypt

The first pyramid in Egypt was the Step Pyramid of Djoser, built by the architect Imhotep in 2630 BC. This pyramid was made of limestone and had six steps, with a height of 62 meters. The Step Pyramid was a revolutionary design that paved the way for future pyramids.

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The pyramids were built as tombs for pharaohs and their consorts. The ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, and the pharaohs were believed to be gods in human form. They believed that the pharaoh's soul would live on after death, and the body needed to be preserved for this to happen. The pyramids were built to preserve the pharaoh's body and all the items he may need in the afterlife.


The pharaoh's body was mummified and placed in a sarcophagus inside the pyramidThe pyramid was also filled with treasures, such as gold and jewelry, and items the pharaoh may need in the afterlife, such as food and furniture. The pyramid was sealed after the burial, and it was believed that the pharaoh's soul would be able to find his way back to the body and use the items provided in the afterlife.

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The Different Types of Pyramids in Egypt

There are several different types of pyramids in Egypt, including step pyramids, bent pyramids, and red pyramids. Step pyramids were the first type of pyramid built in Egypt and were designed with flat, terraced sides. Bent pyramids have a change in slope halfway up the pyramid, giving them a bent appearance. True pyramids have smooth, sloping sides and are the most well-known type of pyramid.


The different types of pyramids reflect the evolution of pyramid design in ancient Egypt. Each new pyramid built was an improvement on the previous design, and the ancient Egyptians were constantly pushing the boundaries of engineering and architecture.


Unanswered Questions About The Pyramids

The pyramids have been the subject of many mysteries and theories over the yearsOne of the most famous is the theory that the pyramids were built by aliens. While this theory has been debunkedthere are still many unanswered questions about the pyramids.


One of these questions is how the ancient Egyptians were able to move such heavy stones. The limestone blocks used to build the pyramids weighed up to 80 tons, and it is still unclear how they were transported from the quarry to the building site. Another question is how the pyramids were aligned with the stars. It is believed that the ancient Egyptians used astronomical observations to align the pyramids with the stars, but the exact method is still unknown.


Fun Facts About The Pyramids

- The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only surviving Wonder of the Ancient World.

- The Great Pyramid of Giza is so large that it can be seen from space.

- The smallest pyramid in Egypt is the Pyramid of Menkaure, which stands at a height of 62 meters.

- The pyramids were not built by slaves, but by skilled workers who were paid for their labor.

- The pyramids were not built in isolation but were part of a larger complex that included temples and other structures.



As the sands of time continue their inexorable march, preserving these marvels becomes a solemn duty. For within their weathered stones lies not just the legacy of civilization but a timeless invitation to unravel the mysteries of our shared humanity. The question of how many pyramids exist in Egypt remains a stunning mystery. Exploring these ancient wonders goes beyond just numbers.

Embark on unforgettable Egypt tours and discover the beauty of the ancient pyramids with a tourist program designed to meet your unique needs and interests.

In my opinion, I believe a good writer makes content easy to read, and entertains the reader, making comprehension effortless. Egypt is a country that truly has it all. Its rich history, stunning landscapes, and friendly people make it a must-visit destination for any traveler. I hope you'll have the opportunity to experience it for yourself.

By Egypt Travel Blogger

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